Thursday, November 20, 2014

More on Water...The elixer of life and good health...

Hello Everyone,

I have been listening to my coworkers over the years, and I hear a lot of them complain about joint pain, (myself included!).  Now some of them have really good reasons for their pains, such as past injuries, or surgeries, and even an accident or two.

Recently in a discussion, one of my coworkers commented on how they needed to drink 80 ounces of water a day (doctor told them to do it), and how hard it is.

I agree.  It is hard, change is hard, breaking the habit, and replacing with a good one is hard, falling off of the wagon, and getting up and getting back on the wagon, is agonizingly hard, I know this one.

What I would like to do is include an article about dehydration, use the following link:

Please review this carefully, and note what a major side effect of dehydration is.

Next an article on why drinking water is good for you:

So ladies, drinking water will help your skin look better, men this applies to us as well.

In my previous posts about water, I mentioned that I had replaced half of what I drink with water.  This I believe has helped me overall.  However I still struggle with keeping up with this.

Here are some tips:
  • Drink it cold - use ice, use enough ice to keep it cool/cold for awhile.
  • Set an alarm, binge drinking water is not good for you either, space it out over the day.
  • Find better alternatives to what you are currently doing, and step it down.  An example: Change out one of your sodas during the day for a light fruit juice or other similar drink.  Or, change out a fruit juice for fruit flavored water.  
  • Make it convenient for you.  Get a water cooler, or a fridge that has both ice and water dispensers, or a click on tap filter for your kitchen faucet.  You need to make it work for you.
  • Set a few goals, start slow, once you get a few weeks into doing this, you will check yourself one day and realize just how much of an impact this change has on you.  Both emotionally, and physically.  Then when the first goal is met, work on the next, and the next.
 Your health depends your habits, please work to change this habit into one that will last you a long lifetime.

Until the next post,

Dan W.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Paying attention....

Hello Everyone,

I thought a would write a brief note about something that occurred to me the other day, when I was thinking about this blog in general.

I never mentioned that when your daily routine changes, such as in a job change, that you should redo your baseline caloric intake, and make some conscious decisions about your exercise and daily food consumption.

For most people, this is not a big deal, for those of us that have slower metabolisms, well, we need to make changes to compensate for decreased activity, and increased stress, and then deal with them effectively.

Otherwise, we will just fall off the band wagon, and not understand why our 'diet' is not working the way we expect it too.

Just thought I would bring this up.

Until the next post,

Dan W.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Hello Everyone,

It has been a very busy time for me over the last couple of months. 

This has resulted in me gaining a few pounds (3 actually). 

In reviewing my notes and stuff, I have been getting less sleep than I should be, and not maintaining my balance of water to other fluids.  (I just like milk a whole lot better!).

Anyways, struggling to get back on the right course.

Something that may help you in maintaining your balances with these habits is getting a routine.  Most people have a cell phone that is capable of setting multiple alarms for different things.  Use them, they can definitely help you meet your goal.

Another thing, is to document, or jot down stuff during the day.  This will serve to communicate to your subconscious that you need to make these changes, and you will.

I wish you luck,

Until the next post,

Dan W.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Drinking Water

Hello Everyone,

I know it has been awhile since I have posted, and I apologize for that.

However I have been active on the web and looking into articles to mention to you all to help you out.

For many years, okay too many years, I did not have water as a major fluid of intake.  I am slowly starting to realize just how important water (not flavored water, not soda, not other drinks that have stuff added to it) is to your body.

Water is one of the main tools to help your body work, look, feel better.

I have come across many articles spouting the benefits of water, and have decided to include this one:

6 Reasons to Drink Water

I believe it covers enough information to help you on your journey.  There are a host of other reasons, and will post other articles, in future posts.

Have a good day,

Drink Water,

Until the next post

Dan W.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Making small changes

Hello Everyone,

I advocate making changes in one's own life in order to lose weight. 

I also advocate, that one's own self has to want to change.

The point of any education or training is to change's a person's point of view on something.

Let's start with your self image, specifically how you see your own body.

When you look in the mirror, are you comfortable with what you see?  Why or Why not?

Once you figure this out, then work on your "self-talk" and start working on changing your own perspective about your self.

Changing your own "self-talk" is the hardest thing to do.  This requires dedication, constant attention, knowing the right words to help you get to where you want to be mentally.

Once you are there mentally, the rest of the job is much, much easier.

Think about it, literally, think about it.  Make a change, and then move on to the next change you want to make.

Questions or comments?  Please leave me a comment!

Thank you,

Until the next post

Dan W.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Next Change Something

Hello Everyone,

Lets talk about making changes.  I have outlined several different habits to change in my blog, and most people do not make many changes at once.

So lets make one change, it doesn't matter if you start with breathing properly, or eating less, or sleeping the right amount, or even thinking positively.

Pick one.  Give yourself a month, then start a new one, and do the old one(s) with the new one.

If you truly want to lose weight, then you need to make changes in your life.

So I challenge you to start some where, then progress to the next habit change.  One a month, in a year you will be a better you.  You will be closer to your goal, in a permanent fashion, not just a quick fix, and bounce back.

Also, every month, check your progress for each habit you have started, to make sure it is properly in place.  I know for me, that my habits have fallen to past values, so I need to refocus to make the progress I want to make.

Take care until the next post,

Dan W.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Start with Being Happy with Yourself...

Hello Everyone,

A recent online discussion about losing weight, asked the question, "How important is weightloss?"

My answer is: it is important.

Being overweight, or obese takes a toll on the body.  The person ends up paying for that toll, in a myriad of different ways.  This has been proven time and again.  So no question there.  I am personally working on losing weight.

If a person chooses to not lose weight, that is their choice.  However, I do not believe that discussing weight loss (and the associated goals) should be the first step for a health coach.  This is based on my own personal experiences with my weight issues.

Having someone say, this is how you do it.  (ie, decide to lose weight, set a goal, and lose the weight).  This doesn't work either.  Well, maybe for a small percentage of people.

The whole discussion got me to thinking about what I had to do first in my life.

So the question I have for you, "How important is being your mental health?"

Being personally overweight / borderline obese, (and slowly losing weight), I believe the first big leap, comes from being comfortable and happy, with yourself.  You know, who one is with one's self.

You must make peace with yourself, on the subconscious level and the conscious level, prior to making any significant progress with the rest of your life.

You need to make the choice, then the commitment, and the follow on actions.

There is no one else that can do it for you.

There are lots of methods out there, for changing one's own mind.  For me, I had to start small.  Real small.

Take the time to do this, and the rest will follow.  Just don't forget what your goal is.

Until the next post,

Dan W.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Getting Started...

Hello Everyone,

I know it has been awhile since I have posted.  I apologize for that.

I have been having an interesting discussion about losing weight online.  The owner of the discussion is very passionate about health coaching and helping people to lose weight.  During the discussion, I realized that I may not have put my steps in an order for some one to follow.

The discussion can be viewed here:

under the question:

What are the first steps you take with someone wanting to lose weight? 

I encourage all to read, and to consider the value of the different opinions that are offered.  Currently, the discussion is well managed, and pretty civil.  As always, make an informed decision when it comes to life changes such as dieting, the different programs that are out there.

As for my process:

1. Start your breathing exercises, to start with 2 to 3 times a day, moving up to several times a day, over a few week period.  You may get a little dizzy when starting / moving up in numbers, if this happens stay at the level your at until you no longer get dizzy.

2. Check you sleep habits, there is a lot of material about the correct amount of sleep, make sure you know what it is for your situation.

3. Drink water, I strive for 50% of my liquid intake to be water (still working on this).

4. Find out what your caloric intake is for you.  Eat this for at least a week or so, then reduce it about 15%, until you plateau on your weight.  Break it up into at least 3 meals, (up to 5). Then take away another 10 to 15% or so, and repeat as necessary.

5. Check you signs, if you are never hungry, you will not lose weight.  If you starve your body, you will not lose weight.  You need to find the balance for you.  Someone else coined the term, "comfortably hungry" is what you should be about a 1/2 hour to 45 minutes before your next meal.

Write me back, let me know how you are doing.

Good luck,

Until the next post,

Dan W.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Moving Forward...

Hello Everyone,

I have done some light reading of late on the Internet (yeah don't believe everything out there). 

It seems there is an awful lot of focus on what (and how much) you eat and exercise.  These are critical to a person's success with their personal weight loss goals, and where indicated needs to be properly managed by those in the know.

Please note, my system does not specify what you should eat.  It says that you need to manage it.  I have tried to provide an easy system to help those manage their intake by providing you with indicators to use.

I also have discussed some physical habits that most adult learn, and need to change, such as the breathing.

Another topic I address is your frame of mind.  If your psyche is not in it, you will not win it.  You need to change your overall attitude, and make the commitment for yourself. 

I recently read an article about training your brain, and maintaining focus, and not to let your mind wander where it may.  This is some good advice.  Searches on the Internet will provide you with many insights into this, find one that works and do it.

Until the next post,

Dan W.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Benefits of Monitoring yourself...

Hello Everyone,

I would like to discuss a recent happening in my life.

My job requires that I use my hands a lot.  So last week, I was a little concerned by the fact that my hands kept cramping and locking up.  About seven or eight times during the day.  When I talked about the issue with a coworker, she noted that it was usually due to low levels of either (or both) magnesium or potassium in the body.

This got me to thinking again about my diet, and the changes I have made, along with my current habits.

I have significantly reduced Peanut Butter in my diet, and due to diabetes, have reduce the amounts of fruits I eat in general.

Combine that with one of my recent habits (drinking diet cola), I was able to put two and two together and get an answer.

I put bananas back into my diet, and I am reconsidering how much peanut butter I include as well, as both of these foods help with managing your magnesium levels.

I also found out that sodas (in general) leach out both of these nutrients from your body as well as some other nice to have stuff, (like calcium).

I believe I am changing my point of view on soda.

Just some thoughts for you to consider when making your food choices.

Until the next post,

Dan W.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Keeping Goals...

Hello Everyone,

I am considering adding a new rule...

One about monitoring all the other factors.  I find that I do not do as well, if I am not tracking what I am doing, over time.

I have yet to decide how to best do this, so as my concept solidifies, I will try to put links the files that I will be using to see what type of information / controls / etc... people would like to see.

I apparently have not been getting enough sleep lately, as well as not drinking enough water compared to my goal.

Again, it is something I am considering, maybe I will also include information about goal setting as well, considering that I am currently not keeping my part of the bargain with myself...


Thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts,

Dan W.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

For those with Diabetes...

Hello Everyone,

As I have previously mentioned, I have diabetes.

I have recently spent significant time reviewing my eating habits, and the medications I take, and came to the conclusion that I was feeding my medication.  I did work with medical staff when doing this. 

In order to properly manage one's own weight, we have to be careful about this sort of trap.

To go along with this, I would like to discuss some eating habit and facts.

I have found that fat can block up to 40% of the insulin in the body, whether or not you are diabetic.  This means that your pancreas has to either work harder and/or longer to better manage your glucose levels.  Or if you are diabetic, higher doses of insulin to manage your glucose properly.  Not a good thing in either case. 

Please consider lowering the fat content in your diet. 

Once you reduce the fat in your diet, food will taste different, so be aware of the amount of the salt you start adding to your diet to adjust the level of flavor, as this may adversely impacts your blood pressure.

I have now changed my medications (under medical guidance), and I feel better, and have started to lose weight again (1-2 lbs), of course depending on how I step on the scale, and this is over the last two weeks.

So this goes back to one of my basic rules, is to manage what goes in.

One consideration every one with diabetes should know, is that insulin makes you feel hungry.  So for those with diabetes, you will need to carefully consider what you are eating, and balance that against your other indicators when in comes to losing weight. 

Just as one would check your fasting glucose levels every day or so, you should check your other indicators as well, as using your hunger level may not be the reliable signal you need it to be.

Food for thought,

Until next time,

Dan W.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Falling off the wagon....

Hello Everyone,

With the New Year starting, everyone has made a New Year's resolution.  Like a lot of people, I am not making the progress I expected.

I have had a few moments in my busy life to explore what my goal is with respect to my health.

What I have found out is that I have fallen off my wagon, I have not been drinking the amount of water I should be, and I have not been getting enough sleep.

I am changing my goal of losing 30 pounds, to going back to following my own Eight Rules for weight loss. 

While I have not been gaining weight, I have not been losing either, and I had to take time to find out why, and I did.

I am going to focus on my hydration and the amount of sleep I get, and track my breathing.  I believe this renewed focus will start me back on the right path.

It may be time to evaluate your progress towards achieving your New Year's resolution.  If you are making progress, Great, and good luck!  Let me know when you achieve it.

Until the next post,

Dan W.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The New Year and your resolutions...

Hello everyone,

By now, you probably have a few New Year resolutions and have already broken them.  I know I have.

Anyways, just as a refresher, my blog is about being healthier and happier.  For me, these rules also helped me to lose weight.

Will these rules work for everyone?  With a few exceptions yes.  Will they work with any diet?  Yes.

I have a few resolutions, this year, I would like to loose 10 more pounds.  The complication I am facing, is now I have to also manage to do this and deal with being diabetic.  Last year I was diagnosed with diabetes, and I slipped backwards a bit on my goal last year to lose weight.

Currently, I have been "waffling" or going up and down a few pounds, in  a small range.

I encourage everyone to check out my rules, and start applying them to your life and see what the difference is in 3 weeks. 

It's free, and I am not selling anything.

Maybe, just maybe, you will start to feel better about yourself, and accomplish your goal of losing a little bit of weight.

May everyone have a Happy New Year!

Until  the next post,

Dan W.