Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Benefits of Monitoring yourself...

Hello Everyone,

I would like to discuss a recent happening in my life.

My job requires that I use my hands a lot.  So last week, I was a little concerned by the fact that my hands kept cramping and locking up.  About seven or eight times during the day.  When I talked about the issue with a coworker, she noted that it was usually due to low levels of either (or both) magnesium or potassium in the body.

This got me to thinking again about my diet, and the changes I have made, along with my current habits.

I have significantly reduced Peanut Butter in my diet, and due to diabetes, have reduce the amounts of fruits I eat in general.

Combine that with one of my recent habits (drinking diet cola), I was able to put two and two together and get an answer.

I put bananas back into my diet, and I am reconsidering how much peanut butter I include as well, as both of these foods help with managing your magnesium levels.

I also found out that sodas (in general) leach out both of these nutrients from your body as well as some other nice to have stuff, (like calcium).

I believe I am changing my point of view on soda.

Just some thoughts for you to consider when making your food choices.

Until the next post,

Dan W.

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