Sunday, December 15, 2013


Hello everyone,

I was sitting through some training the other day at work.  In the training they were talking about what it takes to make something a "value" to a person.  You know the type of something that guides your everyday behavior, with out you really knowing it.

What they were talking about was changing a person's paradigm, to make something a value.

I had to think about that, a lot!

We all have core values, and some are our religion, our family, the set of ethics we live by, based on our previous experiences, you the sort of stuff I am talking about.

Every once in awhile, some "thing" comes along and it causes us to question our values.  This is the point where a person can make a significant change in themselves.  This is the point where we can discuss paradigms and how to change them.  This is where you can effect sufficient change to make it to the next level.

Now, sometimes it is an "a-ha" moment, other times it just kind of creeps up on you, with out you really catching on to it, until it's too late.

Our paradigms, drive our values, which drive our behaviors, our actions, and our feelings.

How do I know this, I have had to change a few of them in my time, and I am sure you have also, you just may not have realized it for what it was.

Let's take the "Flat Earth" concept for a little bit.  If we keep going east, and we end up back in the original location from which we start, we disprove the concept, and have to consider that the earth is something other than a flat plane.

This same time of thinking can be applied to other areas of your life.  So consider my blog, and opinions, as my attempt to help you have an "a-ha" moment, and start you on your journey to change your paradigm, your way of thinking, about how to look at your health.

Stay tuned,


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