Hello Everyone,
First, I apologize for not making a post for awhile.
I had to think about something I have known for awhile, but was recently reminded of during my participation in a few different discussion on the Internet.
Let's consider a question or two.
First, what is dieting to almost anyone that is overweight? The real answer?
It is temporary, period. People who diet, or use weight loss products, are wanting a short-term temporary fix to a permanent problem.
To me this means that they are not committed to making the change necessary to loss the excess weight they are carrying around.
I know, I am not as committed as I can be, as I have hit another plateau, in my weight loss regimen. I am working on it, by evaluating my current situation and trying to change it. I need to work on my self-talk, how much I'm sleeping, and on my overall attitude. I know this is what I need to be doing, because it has worked for me already!
I have to go and re-adjust or tweak my habits to get rolling again. Well, I also fell off the food wagon again, and ate a little more than I should have over the last several days.
So I Plateaued. That's the point of a plateau when your trying to lose weight. For me, my plateaus are about a 5 lb band that I am stuck in.
Now back to my point, if I was relying on a weight loss product, I might be considering using another one, more of the same one, or maybe mixing more than one or two of them together to plow through the plateau.
It would probably never even enter into my mind, that this is the worst thing someone can do to their body. Nor would it enter in my mind to change my eating habits, or improve my attitude, or get enough sleep, or learn to breath correctly, or heaven forbid, drink an extra cup of water during the day.
Please consider if you are going to use a "shake mix" to lose and maintain your weight, what are you going to be doing 3 years, or 5 years, or maybe even 15 years down the road?
At some point in time, you are going to want to stop drinking that shake mix. Please only consider those plans that are going to help you develop healthy eating and cooking habits.
Oh wait, cooking habits? Did I just mention another rule to add to my list?
Yes, I did.
There is more than a ton of recipes out there, probably even more than that.
Let's just imagine some of the ways we can improve our cooking habits to help us be and eat healthier.
If more of us paid attention to this, maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't need to have that shake mix for the rest of our lives, because we chose to do that instead of learning a few healthy habits to better manage our weight.
Until the next post....
Dan W.
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