Wow. I do not believe how simple this is.
Your body has to be hungry to lose weight. This is so common sense.
Having said that, your hunger, like your food, your activity level, your breathing and your attitude, your water, all have to be managed. The tough part about that, they have to managed together, regardless of what diet you're on.
So what do I mean by that, manage your hunger. Yep. If your always full, your body has no need to tap its reserves. That means no fat loss and no weight loss.
Now, going to an extreme is more detrimental to your health and weight, than just being comfortably full. If your hunger is the result of you starving your body of sufficient food and nutrients, well, that's just bad. If your hunger shows up between meals or just after you wake up, well that's supposed to happen.
Your hunger is the best sign you have that you need to eat, and you need to eat in a reasonable time frame. Obviously, you're not going to rush off and pound down the 2lb burrito from the food cart on the street. Unless that was your planned meal, and within your calorie budget.
It means, you're going to need to take a break, have some food, preferably stuff that is on your diet plan, and go back to work or play, and just doing your thing.
No, I'm not going to cover any one specific diet in my rules. Why? I am going to focus on what most diet plans do not even mention. I'm going to focus on you, and your other habits.
Again, I am not a doctor, a nutritionist, or any sort of medical specialist. I am just an average person, like 98% of you out there.
The difference is I started paying attention to what my body was telling me, and I am passing onto you.
I was slowly gaining weight, regardless of what "diet" I followed. Yes, I exercised plenty, and still no avail. Again the reason why, was because I was eating to be always full.
Always full to me, meant security. I'm sure some psychologist would be happy to tell me why, now at this point it doesn't matter.
I now know that I need to be hungry between meals, and when I wake up. Its not like when I was a child and could burn through the calories just being an active, growing youth.
I'm slightly older, and well being full all time results in my horizontal growth. So, I have chosen to be hungry for short periods of time, through out the day. The results over the last year or so, I have lost over 30 lbs, and I AM STILL LOSING WEIGHT.
Again, Practice your Hunger, take it out for a short walk, finish the next task on your agenda, then feed it!
Until the next post, Be pleasantly Hungry.
Dan W.
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